
Story In The box

Story In The box

       Back to ancient world, each country was independent. There were no connections between countries. To break this situation, a king of China decided to send his ambassador to other countries to open up the international trade-off. Before the ambassador’s leaving, the king gave his some Chinese specialties such as some seed of plants, a silk blanket, a beautiful bottle made of ceramic and a jade signet. Also the king had prepared a boat for the ambassador.
           With the current, the ambassador first arrived in India. In this country, a monk treated him. During his time in India, the ambassador studied the Buddhist scriptures. And he did lots of researches on the Buddhism. The ambassador gave the monk a silk blanket for his treatment. As return, the monk gave the ambassador one statue of a monk head. After his stop in India, the ambassador continued his duty. After two weeks’ drifting on the sea, the ambassador arrived Singapore. The king of Singapore considered the ambassador as a VIP. The king assigned his minister to accompany with the ambassador. The minister showed around Singapore to the ambassador. The minister gave his some money so that the ambassador can buy something special. When the ambassador walked along the street, he was attracted by a sound. When he was close to the place, he saw a man playing a musical instrument that he had never seen. He used the money to buy the musical instrument from this man. Later, the minister told him, the musical instrument is named drum. The ambassador gave the king a bottle and signet. And the king gave the ambassador a set of coins of Singapore. Then the ambassador left Singapore for America. When he arrived in America, it was a year later. He sold the seed to a black woman. Here in America, he found the length unit was different from China, so he used his money to buy a ruler in that way he can introduce the new length unit to his king.
          Finally, the ambassador stepped on his way back to China. With him, the Buddhism came into Chins and developed in China. The king of China built a museum to reward the ambassador’s contribution to international trade-off. And the king put the items the ambassador brought back in the museum.


Inventory List

1. Blanket: A square blanket embroidered with some flowers.
2. Wallet: A wheat wallet with a picture of animals on the cover.
3. Boat: A small boat made from bamboo which loads two pieces of feather.
4. Coins: Several coins published in dog year in Singapore which are used for collecting.
5. Model: A small ceramic model of a beautiful house.
6. Stones: Three black and erose stones.
7. Bowl: A small colorful bowl.
8. Bottle: A ceramic green ring-paint bottle with a rubber plug.
9. Ruler: A yellow wooden ruler which is 30 centimeters long.
10. Head: A model of a human head without hair.
11. Signet: A jade signet with a dragon style top and carved with words ”罗伦”.
12. Model: A model of a tall black woman.
13: Model: A model of a entertainer who is beating a drum.
14: Coins: Several common coins. 2 euro, 50 cent, 20 cent and 1 cent.