
Global Communication

Huan Yu
Global Communication
What is global communication and how has it promoted the globalization witnessed in the past ten years?
   Global communication is a new word; but also a very common word in nowadays world. What does global communication mean? In my point view, it is a kind of cooperation and exchange between different countries and between different races. In the past several years, the global communication has changed globalization a lot. In 21century, a new era in the human calendar, globalization is flooding almost every corner of the earth. And nowadays, we call the earth the global village. All the countries in the world have a tight relation between each other, no matter in what kind of fields.
   The world just likes a village. In this village, not everyone is very rich. There are both rich and poor in this village. And the developed countries are the rich ones, the backward countries like the poor. So developed countries want to help those backward countries, they found organization to offer service and goods to the backward countries. World Health Organization is one of these organizations. Doctors from different countries come together and go to these countries with backward medical technologies. These doctors remedy locals for free and give the medicines for free. 2008, is a very hard year for China. An 8 magnitude earthquake attacked Wen Chuan in Si Chuan province. Lots of people lost their families and houses. China also has a great lost in economy. When the other country got the news, they set up relief teams immediately to help China rescue survivors in this earthquake. They also share the disaster by donate money to China. It is the influence of global communication, isn’t it? Also, the non-governmental organizations also play important roles nowadays. The most famous organization should be Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This foundation is the world’s largest charity foundation founded by Bill Gate and his wife Melinda Gates. This foundation donates money to promote the global equality in the field of health and education. Every year, this foundation will donate more than 1 billion US dollars to all over the world.
   The global communication also has influenced the business field. The transnational enterprises have benefited a lot. Transnational enterprises are also known as multi-national enterprises. These enterprises engaged in foreign direct investment. Without global communication, these enterprises will have lot of troubles. Another evidence of the influence is outputs and exports. The whole world likes a big market. And each country plays the role of seller and buyer. And we call these trades exports and inputs. In USA, input is very common. When you go to the supermarket, 90% of all the good are input from other country. And because of output and exports, we can buy some items that are special in other countries. World Trade Organization is an international organization and is set up to manage the world economic and trade orders. Reciprocity, transparency, market access and fair competitions are some principles of World Trade Organization. If there is no global communication, then how could World Trade Organization exist?
   Besides influence on economy, global communication has influence on politics as well. The United Nations is an organization is set up by sovereign states. 193 countries have joined in this organization. This organization is to maintain international peace and security. This organization can affect the countries’ politics definitely. Also, countries can make some global decision through this organization. Such as the United Nations passed a resolution; decided to set up the no-fly zones in Libya. Then each country should follow this resolution. There are also some other organizations have the similar functions, such as the G20, European Union, East Asia Summit and so on. All of these organizations are the result of global communication.
   Due to the global communication, the world becomes smaller and smaller, and the relations between countries are tighter and tighter. Different cultures mingle with each other. And we are still improving the global communication and globalization. We have seen lot of advantages from global communications through lots of field. We will meet the wonderful tomorrow together.
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